Ring menu classic
Ring menu classic

ring menu classic

Most rooms didn't have too many at once, but it could get frustrating rotating through the items in the lounge.

  • Virtue's Last Reward had all of your inventory items in a ring.
  • Tomb Raiders I, II, III, and Anniversary, for both its frontend and in-game menus.
  • Thunder Blade had a letter wheel on the arcade version's name entry screen, for no better reason than to make one more use of zooming sprites.
  • Secret of Evermore, which was built using an engine which mimicked the Mana game engine.
  • Onryō (2020) has its inventory set up like this.
  • Odin Sphere uses separate rings for each inventory pouch in the player's possession.
  • The Night Way Home: The inventory is presented like this.
  • It spins when you move to view other items.
  • Night Delivery: The inventory is presented in this manner.
  • Metroid Prime 2: Echoes has a variation in which menu options are displayed emanating from a central node, and the user rotates the menu in three dimensions to bring one node to the front.
  • #Ring menu classic series#

    The Mega Man ZX series uses this menu when selecting a form to change into, though Advent added a second quick select menu accessed via the DS' touch screen.An eighth scenario is added to the ring after the first seven are cleared. Live A Live shows sprites of the seven protagonists in a ring for the "Select Scenario" screen (or "Select-A-Live" as the soundtrack calls it).Jak and Daxter: Both II and 3 use this style to switch between sub menus (options, missions, secrets, etc.) in the pause menu.Hanako: The inventory, when viewed from the inventory screen, shows the items you collected in a ring.

    ring menu classic

    Grandia: Every game has one in battle menu.Golden Axe used this to select your player character.The Ghost Train has one that allows you to hold eight items.The inventory from Escape from Monkey Island, in a variation similar to the one from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.Drakengard: The only menu in the gameplay serves to select your weapon, making a scraping sound with every turn.Donkey Kong 64 has this in its primary menu screen.

    ring menu classic

    Sub-menus, menus outside gameplay, and Rodin's inventory in the Gates of Hell are traditional linear menus. The inventory menus in Bayonetta are rings.Alien Soldier, although it doesn't pause the action.The Racing Game Screamer had a menu for name entry with letters on rotating cubes, a gratuitous demonstration of what could be done with textured polygons.The amount of content varied from disc to disc the maximum amount of content available on the menu seemed to be twelve (though the amount of Net Yaroze games featured on some of the discs, which were under a separate menu, brought this total upwards), but earlier discs typically had four or five, with a couple of them having as few as three. There were two variations of this format: one facing upwards ◊ (older discs from 1995 to 1999) and one facing downwards ◊ (later discs from 2000 to 2004). European and Australian PlayStation demo discs (the ones that were made by SCEE's "Special Projects" team, anyway) have this menu type on most discs to select whichever game demo you want to play or watch.

    Ring menu classic